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Word Knowledge ASVAB Practice Test, Part 3

Word Knowledge ASVAB Practice Test, Part 3 Source: Question 1.  “Negligent” most nearly means: A. unfettered B. punctual C. remiss D. beligerent Question 2.  The word most opposite in meaning to “rescind” is: A. command B. reproduce C. aimless D. disclaim Question 3.  The word most opposite in meaning to “periodical” is: A. sporadic B. flippant C. recurrent D. fussy Question 4. The word opposite to the meaning to "deft" is: A. intellectual B. lightweight C. adept D. clumsy Question 5.  The word most opposite in meaning to “precarious” is: A. common B. scraggly C. immutable D. hazardous Question 6.  “Rebuke” most nearly means: A. restart B. dissuade C. reject D. reprimand Question 7.  The word most opposite in meaning to “covert” is: A. undisguised B. singular C. latent D. unchangeable Question 8.  The word most opposite in meaning to “mollify” is: A
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