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American Government Chapter 11, Section 5: Local Government

American Government Chapter 11, Section 5: Local Government
Image result for chicago skyline
Terms to Know:
Section 5: Local Government

County Government
  • A county is the largest unit of local government in most states.
  • A county board usually consist of members elected to represent district within the county. Members' terms usually range from 2 to 8 years.
  • The board of commissioners usually consist of 3 to 7 members and the members are elected specifically to this body and hold no other public office.
  • A board of supervisors usually consist of 12 to 50 members and the members are elected to represent townships within their county and usually hold a township office as well as a county office.
Other Major County Officials
  • The sheriff provides police protection for rural areas and supervises the county jail and detention facilities.
  • The county assessor appraises taxable property within the county.
  • The treasurer receives taxes and fees and acts as the caretaker of county funds.
  • The clerk or recorder maintains county records and issues various kinds of licenses.
  • The prosecuting attorney conducts criminal investigations and prosecutes cases tried in local courts.
  • The coroner investigates the cause of death when people have died under unknown or unusual circumstances.
  • The county superintendent of schools heads the administration of all or some of the public elementary and secondary schools.
  • The county president is the chief executive of the county.
Municipal Government
  • A city charter is a legal document granted by the state which outlines a form of government for the city.
  • Suburbs are developed areas outside the city limits.

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