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American Government Chapter 11, Section 2-4: State Executives, Legislatures, and Courts

American Government Chapter 11, Section 2-4: State Executives, Legislatures, and Courts
Image result for illinois state capitol

Terms to Know:
Section 2: State Executive Officers
  • A plurality of votes means more votes than anyone else.
  • Impeachment is the process of removing a governor. 
  • A recall is a process of removing a governor by voting.
  • Ex officio means by virtue of office or position.
  • Executive orders are orders that dictate how a law should be carried out.
  • An item veto is the power to veto part of a bill without vetoing the entire bill.
State Executive Positions
  • The lieutenant governor presides over the State Senate and serves as acting governor when the governor is out of the state.
  • The secretary of state is in charge of keeping a wide variety of state records and documents.
  • The attorney general is the state's chief prosecutor and gives legal advice to the governor and other state officials.
  • The treasurer is the guardian of state funds and makes payments out of the treasury when funds have been properly authorized.
Section 3: The State Legislatures
  • Since 1934, Nebraska has had a unicameral (one-house) legislature.
  • A direct primary is where voters choose the political party's nominees.
  • The speaker is the chief presiding officer in the lower house.
  • The president of the Senate is the lieutenant governor.
  • The president pro tempore serves as the president of the Senate if the lieutenant governor is absent.
  • The sergeant at arms jeeps order and the doorkeeper keeps unauthorized people from entering the legislative chamber.
Section 4: State Courts
  • About 90 percent of all court cases handled in the United States is decided by state courts.
  • The justice of the peace courts is at the bottom of the court system.
  • Courts of record is a transcript of the trial proceedings.
  • In regard to the facts of the case, the decision of a general trial court is usually final; however, questions of law which arise from the case may be appealed to a higher court.
Court Positions
  • The judge who presides over the trial courts is most often popularly elected, although in some states they are appointed.
  • The court clerk keeps the court's records and the bailiff is the police officer for the court.
  • A jury is a group of people selected to ascertain the truth on the basis of evidence presented to them.
  • A witness aids the judicial process by testifying under oath about what he has seen and heard in regard to a particular case.

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