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American Government Chapter 12: The American Citizen in Action - Making a Difference

American Government Chapter 12: The American Citizen in Action - Making a Difference
Image result for us soldiers salute

Terms to Know:
Section 1: The United States Citizen
  • Two ways a person could be an American citizen is by birth or naturalization.
  • Jus soli means "law of the soil".
  • Jus sanguinis means "law of the blood"
  • Expatriation is the legal process by which a person renounces his citizenship
  • An alien is a foreign-born resident of a country who has not become a naturalized citizen.
  • A visa is a right of admission to the United States.
  • A passport is a travel document for identification and safe passage to a different country.
  • Naturalization is the process whereby a person changes citizenship from one country to another.
Section 2: Political Participation in America
  • Conscription (draft) is a system whereby able-bodied men are required to join a particular branch of the armed forces for a certain period of time.

As American citizens, we can:
  • Contact elected and appointed officials (freedom to petition)
  • Discuss and debate political issues (freedom of speech, press, and assembly)
  • Vote (15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments)
  • Peacefully demonstrate (freedom of assembly)
  • In a closed primary, the voter must register to vote with their party and may vote only for the candidates in that party.
  • In an open primary, the voter does not need to register with the party, but he still must vote with only one party.
  • A blanket primary allows the voter to vote a split ticket.
General Elections
  • The supervisor of election holds the overall responsibility for the conducting of elections.
  • The Australian ballot is the secret ballot system.
  • A voter who knows he will not be present on election day or is unable to vote on that day for some reason should apply to vote by absentee ballot.
  • In an office-group ballot, the names of the candidates are grouped according to their office.
  • In a party-group ballot, the names are grouped according to party.
  • A precinct is the local voting district.
The Citizen and the Interest Group
  • A lobbyist is one who represents a special interest group before a political body.
  • A political action committee (PAC) are interest groups that want to contribute large sums of money to politicians.
How to Deal with Government
  • Never make a conscious decision to defy authority; rather, decide that you will obey God.
  • Once you have made your resolve, take the path of least resistance as to honor earthly rulers.
  • If your choice is to obey God gets you into trouble with civil authorities, gracefully take the consequences.

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