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American Government Chapter 9, Section 4: Amendments XI - XXVII

American Government Chapter 9, Section 4: Amendments XI-XXVII
Image result for bill of rights
Terms to Know:
Amendment 11: Lawsuits against States
  • The Eleventh Amendment deals with lawsuits filed against states in federal court.
Amendment 12: Election of President and Vice President
  • The Twelfth Amendment provided for separate ballots for President and Vice President.
Amendment 13: Abolition of Slavery
  • President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared the slaves within the Confederacy to be free, but slaves that remained in the Union were not affected until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.
  • The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude.
Amendment 14: Civil Rights and Citizenship
  • Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to African Americans.
  • It stated that anyone born in the United States was a citizen of the United States and of the particular state in which he/she resided.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment did not recognize the citizenship of American Indians living on reservations until 1924.
  • Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment granted suffrage for all adult male citizens.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment is the source of federal civil rights legislation.
Amendment 15: Right of Suffrage for African Americans
  • The Fifteenth Amendment established the right of former slaves to vote.
  • Although the 15th Amendment declares that no one can be denied the right to vote on account of race, it does leave the states free to set voter qualifications.
Amendment 16: Income Tax
  • The Sixteenth Amendment empowered Congress to lay a tax on personal incomes.
Amendment 17: Popular Election of Senators
  • The Seventeenth Amendment provided for the direct election of senators by the voters of a state. (Rather than by the state legislature as planned in the Constitution)
Amendment 18: National Prohibition
  • The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the production, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.
  • The Eighteenth Amendment generated more popular support than had any preceding constitutional amendment.
  • The Volstead Act of 1919 provided the means to enforce the Eighteenth Amendment.
  • Public health improved as diseases and deaths caused by alcoholism fell off sharply.
  • Prohibition benefited the American industry and economy by reducing waste, inefficiency, and accidents in the workplace.
Amendment 19: Women's Suffrage
  • The Nineteenth Amendment made women's suffrage a part of the United States Constitution.
  • Amendments giving women the right to vote had been unsuccessfully introduced in Congress for forty years before this one was passed.
Amendment 20: Inauguration of POTUS and VP
  • The 20th Amendment is known as the "lame duck amendment".
  • It moved the date on which newly elected Presidents, Senators, and Representatives take office, eliminating "lame duck" sessions of Congress.
  • A "lame duck" is an officeholder who continues his capacity although he has not been reelected.
  • Before the 20th Amendment, federals officials who failed to win reelection in November continued in office until March 4 of the following year.
  • The 20th Amendment specifies that the terms of the President and Vice President expire at noon on January 20 and those of congressmen at noon on January 3.
Amendment 21: Repeal of National Prohibition
  • After the election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt of 1932, Congress adopted the 21st Amendment, which repealed the 18th Amendment.
  • By 1948, the United States was reported to have nearly four alcoholics for every one hundred people.
  • The 21st Amendment is the only amendment that required ratification by special state-ratifying conventions.
Amendment 22: Limitation of Presidential Tenure
  • The 22nd Amendment limited the tenure of the President to two terms and a maximum of ten years.
Amendment 23: Presidental Electors for DC
  • The 23rd Amendment granted the District of Columbia a number of presidential electors equal to that of the smallest state (currently three).
Amendment 24: Abolition of Poll Taxes
  • The 24th Amendment abolished poll taxes as a requirement for voting in federal elections.
  • The 24th Amendment made it illegal to require a voter to pay any tax as a prerequisite to voting in a national election.
Amendment 25: POTUS and VP Succession
  • The 25th Amendment provides for an orderly transfer of power in the event that a President is incapacitated or dies in office.
Amendment 26: Suffrage for Citizens 18 years or older
  • Before 1971, only men and women 21 years of age or older had the right to vote.
  • The 26th Amendment extended voting rights to those eighteen years of age or older.
  • The popular sentiment held that if an 18-year-old could be drafted into the armed forces and compelled to defend his country, then surely he should have the right to vote.
Amendment 27: Restrictions on Congressional Salary
  • The 27th Amendment places a restriction on the power of Congress to raise its own salary.
  • According to the 27th Amendment, if Congress does vote to raise its own salary, the salary increase will not go into effect until after the next congressional election.

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