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American Government Chapter 9, Section 3a: Amendments III - X

American Government Chapter 9, Section 3a: Amendments III - X
Image result for bill of rights
Terms to Know:
Amendment 3: Quartering of Soldiers in Private Houses
  • The Third Amendment affirmed the property rights of American citizens.
  • To prevent the federal government of the United States from practicing the abuse of individual liberty, our Founding Fathers included in the Bill of Rights a definite prohibition against the forcible housing of soldiers in private homes.
Amendment 4: Search and Seizures
  • The Fourth Amendment protects citizens against unreasonable, unlawful searches by civil authorities without a warrant.
  • A warrant is a written statement issued by a judge which gives a law officer the legal right to search for a particular thing in a specific place.
  • The amendment also gives a lawful way to obtain evidence in cases involving criminal activities.
Amendment 5: Criminal Proceedings
  • A capital crime (such as first-degree murder) is one so serious that is punishable by death.
  • In a court of law, a person found innocent of a particular crime may not be tried a second time for the same crime.
  • A person accused of committing a crime that violates both federal and state law may be tried in both a federal and a state court.
Amendment 6: Criminal Proceedings (continued)
  • The Sixth Amendment asserts a person's right to a fair, public trial to be held as soon as possible after the commission of a crime, in the same state and district where the crime was committed.
  • Summoned means to appear in court.
Amendment 7: Jury Trial in Civil Cases
  • The Seventh Amendment provides a jury trial for lawsuits where the sum of money in dispute exceeds $20.
  • Both the plaintiff and the defendant can agree to waive their right to a jury trial and allow the judge to conduct their trial.
  • Although the Seventh Amendment applies only to federal courts, most state constitutions also contain a provision for a jury trial in a civil case.
Amendment 8: Excessive Punishments
  • The Eighth Amendment follows a biblical principle that the penalty or the punishment for a crime should match the severity of the crime.
  • Bail is a sum of money that a person accused of crime deposits with a court in order to be temporarily released from jail.
  • The Eighth Amendment does not prohibit the civil government from executing criminals from certain crimes, whether by hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chamber, or lethal injection.
Amendment 9: Unenumerated Rights of the People
  • The Ninth Amendment assures us that we do not have to surrender certain rights merely because they are not listed.
  • The Ninth Amendment reaffirms the constitutional principle that we have a limited government that is to exercise limited power.
Amendment 10: Powers Reserved to the States
  • The Tenth Amendment was included to reassure citizens that the national government would not devour the state governments.
  • All rights and powers which the Constitution does not specifically give to the national government nor prohibit to the states are reserved for the states and for the people.

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