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Arithmetic Reasoning ASVAB Practice Test, Part 2

Arithmetic Reasoning ASVAB Practice Test, Part 2
Question 1. If ratio of men to women in a city of 54,000 people is 3:1, how many women are there in the city?
A. 13,500
B. 18,000
C. 12,000
D. 15,000
54,000 divided by 4 equals 13,500.

Question 2. Trey drives an average of 36 miles per day.  How many days will it take him to drive 3,240 miles?
A. 90
B. 63
C. 78
D. 82
3,240 divided by 36 equals 90.

Question 3. Bruce needs a length of pipe to connect the sink to the drainage system. The total piping cannot exceed 6 feet. Two point four feet of piping already exists, so how much piping does Bruce need?
A. 2.4
B. 4.4
C. 3.6
D. 4.6
6 minus 2.4 equals 3.6.

Question 4. If Marcy chews an average of 32 sticks of gum per month, how many months will it take her to chew 2,400 sticks of gum?
A. 80
B. 70
C. 85
D. 75
Solution: 2,400 divided by 32 equals 75.

Question 5. Rachel’s phone company limits her monthly data usage to 3 gigabytes.  She has already used 2,645 megabytes. How many gigabytes of data does she have left this month?
A. 0.355
B. 3.55
C. 35.5
D. 355
Solution: There are 3,000 megabytes in 3 gigabytes. So 3000 minus 2645 = 355 megabytes. Therefore, 355 megabytes = 0.355 gigabytes.

Question 6. How many cars are needed to carpool fourteen friends if each car can safely transport five people?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
1 car multiplied by 5 passengers = 5 friends, WRONG
2 cars multiplied by 5 passengers = 10 friends, WRONG
3 cars multiplied by 5 passengers = 15 friends, RIGHT

Question 7. Hugh is struggling in his history class. His last five grades on tests were 67, 72, 63, 77, and 59. On the next test, he studies hard, but gets a 75. What is his average?
A. 70.8
B. 67.6
C. 74.6
D. 68.8
67 + 72 + 63 + 77 + 59 + 75 = 413
413 divided by 6 equals 68.833, or approximately 68.8.

Question 8. Jenny is 13 years older than her sister Myra. Myra is 6 Years younger than her sister Melody. Their combined ages equal 88 years. How old is Myra?
A. 23
B. 45
C. 32
D. 19

Question 9. June and Stella can each create six floral arrangements in one hour. If they take in 372 Valentine’s Day orders, how many hours will they need to fulfill them?
A. 62
B. 30
C. 186
D. 31
2 people can create six floral arrangements, for a total of 12 floral arrangements in one hour. So 372 Valentine's Day orders divided by 12 = 31.

Question 10. Jorge has spent $789.37 at the home improvement store. A storewide sale offers an 11% rebate on everything in the store. If he paid a 6% sales tax, how much rebate should he get?
A. $86.83
B. $81.92
C. $44.86
D. $44.68
Solution: $789.37 (0.11) = $86.8307 or approximately $86.83

Question 11. At Ben’s ice cream emporium, an ice cream cone costs $2.00 on weekends and $3.00 on weekdays. If you buy an ice cream cone every day except Thursday, how much would you spend on ice cream that week?
A. $20
B. $21
C. $15
D. $16
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri = 4 days (3 dollars) = $12
Sat and Sun = 2 days (2 dollars) = $4
$12 + $4 = $16

Question 12. Joelle’s parents have combined all the candy from her and her three siblings Halloween bags so that the candy can be split evenly amongst the children. Altogether, the kids accumulated 256 pieces. How many pieces does each child receive?
A. 85
B. 86
C. 64
D. 62
Solution: 256 total pieces divided by 4 (Joelle and her 3 siblings) = 64 total pieces

Question 13. April, Sean, Jessica, and Nathan are all going out to dinner using a $50 gift card from Nathan’s mom. April’s sandwich is $10.67. Sean’s burger was $11.42, while Jessica’s salad is $9.08. If the gift card is completely used, how much was Nathan’s steak dinner?
A. $16.83
B. $18.03
C. $16.03
D. $18.83
Solution: $50 - $10.67 - $11.42 - $9.08 = $18.83

Question 14. A large city is hiring painters to create murals around the city. Each painter can paint 2 large murals a day or 7 small murals a day. If the city needs 24 large murals and 98 small murals painted in a 2 day time period, how many painters will be needed?
A. 27
B. 19
C. 8
D. 13
2 (19) = 38
7 (19) = 133

Question 15. In an apartment complex with 28 units, 19 of the renters keep a pet. What percentage does not keep a pet?
A. 32%
B. 62%
C. 14.7%
D. 68%
Solution: 9 divided by 28 = 0.3214 or approximately 32%

Question 16. There are 1,639 students in attendance at Auburn High School. Approximately what percentage does one student count towards the total number of students?
A. 6%
B. 0.0006%
C. 0.06%
D. 0.6%
Solution: 1 divided by 1639 = 0.00061 or 0.06%. You start calculating percentages in decimals after the hundredths place.

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